Main Uniform
Red sweatshirt or cardigan with or without school logo
Red polo shirt with or without the school logo
Black trousers or skirt
Black school shoes
Red book bag with or without school logo or plain red draw string bag (no rucksacks please)
In summer, a red striped/gingham dress or black shorts can be worn. Plain red or black hair bands/bobbles can also be worn.
PE Kit
Plain white T-Shirt with or without the school logo
Plain black sports shorts
Plimsolls or plain dark trainers
The below may be required for outdoor PE:
Warm tracksuit trousers and top
Football boots
Shin pads
Waterproof jacket
Mouth guard
Uniform items with the school logo can be ordered by clicking either of our online shops below.
Items without the school logo can be bought from local supermarkets.
Click here to see details of our full uniform.
We often have second hand items for sale during Christmas and Summer Fairs.

Items ordered from Coniston Corporate are delivered directly to school during term time.

Items ordered from Lakes Embroidery can be delivered to your home address (for a small fee) or can be collected from Kendal.