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Our School

Burton Morewood C of E Primary Academy & Nursery is situated in the village of Burton in Kendal, serving the village and the local area. As a school we follow a Christian ethos and have the Christian Values of ‘Compassion, Friendship, Perseverance and Trust’ to help guide us in all that we do. 

Each day children participate in whole school or class acts of worship. We are lucky to have a strong link with our local church, St. James's, and welcome the minister and/or the ‘Open the Book’ Team each week to share in our whole school Wednesday Worship.

Children are taught in single age year groups and, from September 2021, we follow the Cornerstones Curriculum.

Here at Burton Morewood we provide a broad and balanced curriculum based around the Cornerstones Curriculum, a nationally recognised approach for delivering outstanding learning opportunities for children.

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Our Christian Values

  • Compassion

  • Friendship

  • Perseverance

  • Trust

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Our Christian Vision

We are a caring and fully inclusive Academy, where the Christian values of compassion, friendship, perseverance and trust are embedded in all that we do. We aim that our values will not only resonate within every member of our school, but will also have an impact within our local community and beyond.

Click here to read our Christian Vision. 


Mr Wilson Headteacher




Mrs Hermida Year 6 Class Teacher

Mr Walker Year 5 Class Teacher

Upper School Phase Leader

Mrs Woodburn Year 4 Class Teacher

Miss Lightburn Year 3 Class Teacher

Mrs Sterkaj Year 2 Class Teacher

Mrs Stewart Year 1 Class Teacher

Designated Safeguard Lead & KS1 SENDCo

Miss Hillbeck Reception Class Teacher

EYFS Phase Leader

Miss Thomas Nursery Manager â€‹

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Yeadon Teaching Assistant 

Mrs Wren Teaching Assistant

Mrs Noble Teaching Assistant

Mrs Lowther Teaching Assistant

Mr Yeadon Teaching Assistant

Mrs Towers Teaching Assistant

Mrs Hickey-Phethean Nursery Assistant

Miss Boushear Nursery Assistant

Miss Baines Apprentice Teaching Assistant 

Mr Turner Apprentice Teaching Assistant 

In the Kitchen...

In the Office...

Mrs Burrows Business Manager


Mrs Fejes-Nagy Cook

Mrs Burton Mid-day Supervisor

Mrs Wren Mid-day Supervisor

Mrs Noble Mid-day Supervisor

Mrs Lowther Mid-day Supervisor

School Day

What does a typical day look like?

A school day lasts 6.5 hours.
A school week lasts 32.5 hours.

8:45 Doors open for all classes

Registration and Early Morning Tasks

9:10 Collective Worship

9:30 Core Subject 

10:30 Morning Break

10:45 Spellings

11:00 Core Subject

12:00 Lunchtime

1:00 Afternoon sessions start

Foundation Subjects

3:15 School ends for all classes


Our purpose built nursery is located on the school premises adjoining our reception class. The children are taught by Miss Thomas and supported by Miss Boushear and Mrs Hickey-Phethean. Our nursery is well resourced and provides a wide variety of free flow activities to enhance individual learning. Nursery benefits from a large outdoor area and children can explore the nature and activities come rain or shine!

The children take part in all aspects of school life, this includes, PE, Music, Collective Worship, sports day and much more. Transitions to Reception are planned carefully and seamlessly so that children feel secure and excited for their move to their next class.

We look forward to meeting you. Please do get in touch if you have any questions.


Baby and Toddler Group

Join us every Wednesday between 9:30 and 11:00 am. We offer a friendly and relaxed atmosphere with indoor and outdoor provision. The first session is free and each further session costs only £2 and includes drinks and snacks.

Call 01524 781627 to check dates and to register your interest. 

School's Out Club

School's Out is a breakfast and after school club run by Jo and Mel for children from Nursery (aged 3+) through to Year 6. Sessions run Monday to Friday through term time. Funded hours can be used towards the cost of our clubs. 


Breakfast Club

Full session: 7:50am - 8:45am - £5 (includes breakfast)

Short session: 8:30am - 8:45am - £2.50 (no breakfast) 


After School Club

Full session: 3:15pm - 5:15pm - £8.50 (includes snack)

Short session: 3:15pm - 4:30pm - £5.50 (includes snack) 

Full session not available on a Friday. 


Contact Us 

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